Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Panda's sad story

I have some really sad news. Panda died on July 22, 2009 11 o'clock P.M. I loved her so much! She was a black and white cat. She was going to be 20 years of age august first. She was an adorable cat. I've always loved to pet her soft fur and snuggle with her. She is my grandma's cat. My mom was my age when they got her. She was a stray cat. I really really miss her. My uncle called and said she was dying so me , my mom , and my grandma all said our good-byes to her and she listened then died once I said my last word. I'll never in my life forget her. I love her so so so much!!!!!! I'm crying as I right this sad story. I love her so so so so super much!!! I'm in Maine right now and my grandma is leaving on plane to go home tomorrow. I miss her so very very much! <3 <3

I'm so sad, Buggy


  1. That is a very sad story. I know how much you love Panda. I hope you're doing alright. I love you, Buggy.

  2. so sorry bug! love you so much, glad we got a chance to say our goodbyes though!

  3. I'm so sorry! I know Panda loved you just as much as you loved her! and I LOVE YOU! :)

  4. So, so, so, sorry about panda, buggy!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Panda is in heaven frolicking with the other kitties! Happy day - no more pain! She will live in your heart and mind for ever.

  6. Hmmm... 20 years huh? Then I guess she was able to experience quite a lot of life huh? More than a lot of furry little best friends...

    I know exactly how you feel... like somebody is stomping on your chest... like somebody has punched you in your stomach...

    Don't worry kid, it'll go away...

    And one day you'll remember all the good times more than the bad.

    (((And if you have no idea who I am, just ask you're mom... or your dad... or your Uncle Nick... or your Uncle Matt... or your Grandma)))
